From the very beginning, humans have suffered from various types of diseases and still continue to do so. In ancient times man did not have much knowledge of effective medications and treatments. But those days are long gone! The healthcare industry of today can treat smaller to bigger almost all illnesses with the use of modern techniques and equipment.
With the advanced medical transportation services, this sector has improved even more. Now patients are being transferred to medical facilities with great care and comfort. Medical transportation services have taken healthcare to a whole next level!
The increased need for non-emergency medical transportation has led the state to devise new strategies to handle the demand more effectively. The governments in different states are organizing medical trips with other transportation providers who aim at serving similar individuals. Several private and public agencies have been set up to administer or refer clients to human service transportation programs.
They receive funds from different places; each resource comes with its own set of restrictions and rules. The accountability and eligibility standards, operating procedures, vehicle needs, routes and similar factors vary greatly across different organizations.
After passing the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, states have been given more choices to deliver NEMT. The DRA allows flexibility to states in how they deliver non-emergency medical transportation, without having to put together a troublesome administrative waiver process.
However, all states have to submit a plan to the Centres for Medicaid and Medicare services (CMS) explaining thoroughly how they intend to provide NEMT services and how it shall be reimbursed-as either a medical cost or an administrative cost.
There are many types of vehicles offering medical services such as BLS ambulances, medical cars, and wheelchair vans. But these vehicles can be categorized into two major types: Emergency medical transportation (EMT) and Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT).
The EMT vehicles provide urgent medical assistance to patients in emergency situations. EMTs are highly equipped and operated by paramedics who stabilize the patients in critical conditions. The BLS and ALS ambulances and Critical care transports are the EMT vehicles. This type of transportation is also used in disaster situations such as floods and earthquakes to save as many lives as possible.
The NEMT provides medical assistance to people who are not in any kind of emergency situation but need reliable transportation to medical centers. This is a new facility for senior citizens, paralyzed or disabled people and all those who face some kind of transportation barrier to healthcare access. The NEMT vehicles transfer the patients to their destined hospitals and clinics comfortably for regular checkups and medical appointments. These vehicles can also accommodate disabled people with their wheelchairs easily.
Healthcare services are important to every segment of the population. But some of the more fragile populations face transportation challenges to get to their important medical appointments. Some rely on family and friends or local community organizations to transport them. Beyond Ride is an non-emergency medical transportation agency that is dedicated to helping people get to their appointments in time, safely and securely.
The goal of Beyond Ride is to provide safe and reliable transportation services to individuals utilizing Medicaid. The door to door service enables Medicaid recipients to get to and from non-emergency medical appointments in a safe and timely manner. Beyond Ride serves the community in Olympia so that the people may not face difficulty going to their destination.
Beyond ride provides wheelchair transportation services, non emergency medical transportation services, medical transportation in Olympia, disability transportation, doctors appointment transportation and patient pickups in olympia..
Beyond ride provides medical transportation services to individuals who are not in an emergency situation but need more assistance than a taxi service is able to provide. Beyond Ride can transport riders in wheelchairs, stretchers or with other special needs.
Ambulatory transportation in Olympia
Ambulatory transportation refers to transportation methods that involve using a device such as a wheelchair or other mobility aid. In Olympia, Washington, there are a variety of options for ambulatory transportation, including:
Wheelchair and mobility device rentals
Ambulatory transportation is a necessary form of transportation for those who are unable to drive due to age, disability, or other factors. It can also be a convenient and environmentally friendly way to get around for those who prefer not to drive or live in an area with limited parking or traffic congestion.
One of the best benefits is Cost savings: Ambulatory transportation methods can be less expensive than driving a car, particularly if you don’t have to pay for gas or vehicle maintenance.