Medical transportation is an effective and essential means of transportation given to two individuals Who need them. There are two modes of medical transportation: emergency medical transportation and non-emergency medical transportation.

In emergency medical transportation patients are given all the necessary equipment that can keep their condition under control. Non emergency medical transportation is provided to individuals who have a medical appointment and lack transportation facility.
Emergency Medical Transportation.

Emergency medical transportation facility is utilized by individuals who are in critical condition and immediately need medical assistance. Different types of emergency medical transportation are; basic life support transportation, advanced life support transportation, Critical Care transportation and neoNatal Intensive Care transportation.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation.

Non-emergency medical transportation facilities are for individuals who have urgent medical appointments but are unable to go. Non-emergency medical transportation is cheap and affordable and anyone can utilize this type of transportation service.
Benefits of medical transportation.
Medical transportation helps patients and individuals to reach their destination safely and securely.
Medical transportation provides highly trained drivers and crew members who are capable of taking care of patients while in transit.
Medical transportation is cheap and affordable and any person can make use of it.
Medical transportation is cost effective, patient centric and affordable.
Medical transportation is very essential as it provides numerous individuals and patients with transportation facilities that they lack.
Medical transportation services are safe and secure as the drivesers are well trained and crew undergo daily routine training.
The impact of lack of medical transportation on the health of the community.

7 million people including 3 million children mis medical transportation and the Valley because they don’t have transportation services.
Missed medical appointments cause the HealthCare industry a wooping 150 billion dollars annually.
The Healthcare industry experiences 15% to 35% patient no show rates.
65% of patients said medical transportation assistance would help with prescription refills after discharge.
Medical Transportation challenges
Studies have shown that modes of transportation affect care access too. People with reliable access to private transportation are more likely to go to a medical appointment than those who rely on public transportation.
For vulnerable populations medical transportation can be unaffordable. Individuals vulnerable to transportation barriers are more likely to have low incomes and high expenses associated with comorbidities.

People earning between $5,000 and $30,000 per year spent 24% of their income on transportation.
Poor transportation infrastructure is related to health inequity. Generally communities that are transit-oriented are associated with healthier outcomes.
Medical transportation is an essential and effective mode of transportation; it is a type of transportation that is solely associated with Medical Services. Medical transportation is used to transport patients and individuals to hospitals, clinics, Rehab centers, Health Care facilities and take individuals from one destination to another.
The vehicles used for medical transportation are safe and Secure. They are well equipped and operated by skilled staff that undergo routine training. Every medical transport has well trained medical technicians and paramedics to stabilize the conditions of patients and other individuals.

Medical transportation is ideal for elderly people and senior citizens who are unable to go from one destination to another and depend on their family or friends to take them to their desired destination. Medical transportation provides a sense of freedom and Liberation to people who think they are a burden on their loved ones.